NOMCAARRD Regional Priority Commodities

NOMCAARRD Regional Priority Commodities

Bamboo is one of the fastest-growing and highest yielding renewables and at the same time is a highly versatile natural resource. In the Philippines, bamboos are intertwined with our environment, economy, and culture. They are used in construction, furniture and handicraft manufacture. The Philippines ranks 5th in the world as the largest exporter of bamboo products and because of its many uses, bamboos have been popularly used by many communities.
Siganids are marine fishes that are also called “rabbitfishes” because their snouts look like those of rabbits. Of the 26 species of siganids in the country, the two most commonly cultured in brackish water ponds and pens, and sea cages are the Siganus guttatus (spotted) and Siganus vermiculatus (striped). Siganids are herbivores (feeding on plants like filamentous algae) and omnivores (feeding on supplemental feeds and formulated diets).

Livestock is one of the most important agricultural subsector in the Philippines. Of all the animals reared for human consumption, hogs and chickens were the most common, making up a majority of the production volume of livestock in the Philippines. The livestock industry in the Philippines has two distinct sectors. The small-scale semi-subsistence sector and the commercial sector.
Soybean, as one of the nutritious and high value crop, can be satisfying solution to rectify the pressing problems on malnutrition and poverty. Being used as an important ingredient for both human and animal diet, this legume carries a promising potential in the agricultural industry. As an important and versatile crop, considerable numbers of researchers were engaged in exploring the advances in its production, development, utilization and commercialization.